Just a short update because I’m hard at work these days! I’m thrilled that today I am now CEO and Editor-in-Chief of Charlottesville Tomorrow. Here’s the announcement. I can’t say enough about my predecessor, Giles Morris, who has created an organization with heart and soul and a mission of equity in local news at its […]
Posts in the world category:
Our #Charlottesville
Today, I wanted to send a quick note about our coverage of the fifth anniversary of the Unite the Right rally of 2017 here in Charlottesville, Virginia. I’ve been so proud of our team at Charlottesville Tomorrow for their dedication to providing reports and essays that we hope help this community move forward. Our managing […]
What does it take to detain an immigrant?
In Farmville, Virginia it takes a private company that profits from holding as many people as possible, a Town Council that takes a cut of the profit, and a federal government agency that makes the payout. Many of my neighbors in Charlottesville, Virginia, might not know that not too far away, immigrants from around the […]
2022 Goals: Get more opportunities for more people in news media
Hello 2022! This year hasn’t started the way many of us intended but for me, I’m working hard to stay ambitious, community-oriented and continue to design my work life to support the rest of my life and help me be my best self. This email update is as much about what I’ve been up to […]
Guest column: Sincerely, Leaders of Color
If you have ever been a newsroom manager, hiring editor, assigning editor, or really anyone who has built up a network of colleagues that is diverse, you’ve probably been asked for help recruiting for an open position. By my best count, I’ve gotten about 20 requests for ideas for job candidates this year alone. And I […]
How do you get news about… you?
When Crazy Rich Asians became the highest grossing romantic comedy in years, I realized how much I associated romantic narratives with Molly Ringwald and John Cusack. Asians were part of the narrative for me, but only through the lens of films made by those outside the US. (Thanks, Shah Rukh Khan.) But now, there was […]
Register: Writing when it counts
This year I’ve worked with many incredible and courageous people who are helping to move us all forward by writing with conviction. Sometimes, though, the more important something is, the more difficult it is to commit what you want to say to words. This year, I’ve worked with people who were writing proposals for crucial […]
Even in crisis — especially in crisis — we need equity
Some groups have been excluded from the most powerful halls of U.S. news media for as long as U.S. news media have existed. The structures and institutions we rely on for news were designed, like many U.S. institutions, to grant power to a select few. Here is one example: We recently saw the 50th anniversary […]
A short note: Newsrooms that serve
It’s been one year and my niece and her friends’ news startup is going strong! They reached two-thirds circulation of their class and are now reviewing their costs (copying machines and staples) and distribution (reading period is a good time for news) while still serving their classmates. I’ve spent a lot of the last year […]
Join Women Do News and be a champion for your colleagues
Our challenge is this: Increase the representation of women journalists so that they have more opportunities and can take their rightful places as those who shape how we understand our world through news media.